University of Crete- Country
| | Greece | |
IGTF Certificate Proxy- Country
| IGTF Certificate Proxy | Greece | |
Hellenic Mediterranean University- Country
| | Greece | |
National Hellenic Research Foundation- Country
| | Greece | |
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Patras- Country
| | Greece | |
Hellenic Naval Academy- Country
| | Greece | |
| Eureca-Pro Identity Provider | Greece | |
Hellenic Open University- Country
| Το Ε.Α.Π. είναι το 19ο ελληνικό Α.Ε.Ι. Όπως και τα άλλα Α.Ε.Ι., είναι Ν.Π.Δ.Δ., αυτοτελές και αυτοδιοικούμενο | Greece | |
Athena - Research and Innovation Center- Country
| | Greece | |
| The National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSR Demokritos), multidisciplinary research center of Greece | Greece | |
International Hellenic University- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Macedonia- Country
| | Greece | |
University of the Peloponnese- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Western Macedonia- Country
| | Greece | |
National Technical University of Athens- Country
| National Technical University of Athens Identity Provider | Greece | |
Hellenic Naval Academy- Country
| | Greece | |
National Infrastructures for Research and Technology - GRNET- Country
| | Greece | |
Agricultural University of Athens- Country
| Το Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών παρέχει υψηλού επιπέδου Εκπαιδευτικό και Ερευνητικό έργο στους τομείς των Γεωπονικών Επιστημών. | Greece | |
CTI "Diophantus"- Country
| Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" | Greece | |
Harokopio University- Country
| | Greece | |
Panteion University of social and political sciences- Country
| | Greece | |
Technical University of Crete- Country
| | Greece | |
National Library of Greece- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Ioannina- Country
| | Greece | |
Hellenic National Meteorological Service - HNMS- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Thessaly- Country
| | Greece | |
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research- Country
| | Greece | |
Democritus University of Thrace- Country
| | Greece | |
Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center- Country
| | Greece | |
University of West Attica- Country
| | Greece | |
Athens University of Economics and Business- Country
| | Greece | |
National Documentation Centre- Country
| | Greece | |
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)- Country
| Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) | Greece | |
Ionian University- Country
| | Greece | |
Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering- Country
| | Greece | |
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education- Country
| School of Pedagogical and Technological Education | Greece | |
Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications - IASA- Country
| Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications - IASA | Greece | |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- Country
| | Greece | |
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas.- Country
| | Greece | |
HEAL-Link- Country
| HEAL-Link provides full-text access to electronic resources (electronic journals, e-books and bibliographic databases) for Greek universities, Research Institutions and their users. | Greece | |
Athens School of Fine Arts- Country
| Η ΑΣΚΤ καλλιεργεί τις καλλιτεχνικές δεξιότητες των φοιτητών και τους παρέχει τις αναγκαίες θεωρητικές και πρακτικές γνώσεις. | Greece | |
Biomedical Research Foundation - Academy of Athens- Country
| | Greece | |
GRNET Virtual Home Organization (VHO) for GÉANT- Country
| GRNET Virtual Home Organization (VHO) for GÉANT | Greece | |
Hellenic Air Force Academy- Country
| Η Σχολή Ικάρων είναι Ανώτατο Στρατιωτικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα ισότιμο με τα ιδρύματα Πανεπιστημιακού Τομέα της Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης | Greece | |
University of the Aegean- Country
| | Greece | |
National Center for Social Research- Country
| | Greece | |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Western Macedonia (former Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia)- Country
| | Greece | |
SNFCC- Country
| Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center | Greece | |
Technological Educational Institute of Crete- Country
| | Greece | |
University of Piraeus- Country
| | Greece | |
National Observatory Athens- Country
| | Greece | |